Friday, September 26, 2008

Today's Devotion- Life from the roots

Gen 1:1 In the beginning God. . . KJV

All good fruits become good for the roots are grounded in a good ground. . . this is the same in spiritual fruitfulness that we are enjoying as we serve Christ. . .

As we contemplate all the good things that we are and have in this life, both from the past to the present, some of us might be tempted to assume the honor and the glory for making good things to happen. But a sound minded man will always attribute everything to the roots of all this things!

The bible record it right from its first page. .. "In the beginning God" . . . not man, not, money, not genius man. but God!!!

In recognition of this the JIL church which we believed in born in the heart of God will be celebrating her 30th Founding Anniversary on October 5, 2008. Its main reason is to recognize her root which is in God!!!Though He choosed a man to make for it as He does in all the inventions, findings and discoveries that we have in our world.

As member of JIL even if we are physically absent on the venue, we should find a way to celebrate for His goodness to us as this ministry was used by God for the transformation of many particularly to Filipinos whose only hope was found and is deserving to hold on is the Lordship of Jesus in their life.

Let's find a moment of Thanksgiving; in prayer, in worship and in giving for the foundation of our faith is not in the wisdom of man but in God!!!

Lets thank Him for choosing Bishop Bro. Eddie Villanueva and his family. The millions of volunteers around the world ,who are now God's channel of blessing for the multitude of souls. And for someone you know that God used to bring you to this God given ministry!!!

Ever since we found the Lord in this Ministry, we have been guided, equiped and entrusted to serve God faithfully through all those years.

Our life was transformed both in personhood and attitude as well as in our well being! I could say it's not by might, nor by power ofan but by God!!!

This is our ministry, this is our church!! A ministry whose roots we cannot ignore! In the beginning God and He will be the center of everything we have in this life and in the life to come!!!

What a good place to be. .As JIL we can simply say, . "rooted in God"! All people Worship God!!

Rooted in God,


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