Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Today's Devotion- The Secret of Being Content

Phil 4:12know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.NIV

In this verse, many will find themselves in struggle, for many are in unstopable pursuit for more. As if God is not providing what they need! The problem is not on the need but in want. The focus is not in what is necessary but on what is popular! That's why many can't find a time to rest, to appreciate or even to enjoy what they have been blessed with.

Though others seems to be content to hide that little demon friend they have which is "laziness" and "fear".

But what's the "Being Content" means?

As it is stated its the being not the having. You maybe having nothing and yet still content in it, someone might have everything and yet not even close to be content!

That's why Christ is teaching us to trust in Him and see Him as our completion. Where He made a promise that He will never leave not forsake us. Saint Paul learned also that "He can do all things through Christ Jesus! So learning to be content is within the person who has in Him the true satisfaction, by placing His trust in the hand of his God! Where are you in this? Are you like those who wants to be first in everything and then start to loose what they have gained , for it does not satisfy them anymore? Are you with those who just sit and say what I have is enough for i'm afraid to go out and try? Or are you with the few who looked what they have, see what they could have and looked upon Him who is the provider of every good gift and trust Him, believed Him for the best ! Who will never be tired of doing good! Who even in the midst of nothingness can still be our fullness, in sorrow can be our joy, in loneliness, our companion, in sin our righteousness, in shame, our comfort and in anything, our everything!!! Jesus Christ is the Name!!!

There is a popular song that christian churches loves to sing, and it speaks of the truth to the matter. the chorus goes this way

"So I lift my eyes to you Lord
In your strength will I breakthrough Lord
Touch me now, Let you love fall down on me
I know your love dispels all my fears

Through the storm, I will hold on Lord
And by faith, I will walk on Lord
Then I'll see, beyond my calvary
One day, and I will be Complete in You

Wow, no matter what we have or dont have, its not what will make us satisfied and complete! Its always in us, if Christ dwells in us. We just need to learn to be content in Him in our being!
The being is who you are, not what you have, its inside of you not outside of you. Its not the worth of your possessions, but the worth of you!!! Not what you know but who knows you!!! Are you known in Christ as His disciple?

God bless my friend and always remember, give thanks for He will always provide for you a blessing to thank Him, a trial to make you close to Him, a grace to accept you, a wisdom to lead you, a spirit to empower you, a someone to accompany you, The Lord for you to serve, a friend for you to depend, a need for you to pray. a problem for you to believed!

Till next time!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


"God will give us our DAILY BREAD"

Beautiful message, indeed.