Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Today's Devotion-Biblical Fast

Joel 2:12'Even now,' declares the Lord,'return to me with all your heart,with fasting and weeping and mourning.' NIV

Fasting is abstence from food to spend quality time in prayer to the Lord. Many biblical characters practiced Fasting while in prayer. The Lord Jesus did it so are His disciples. What are the different kind of biblical fast and its benefits? Basically fasting length depends on the purpose of the fasting;

1. One meal to one day Fast just a preparation
2. Three days Fast - surrender of will and dying to self
3. Daniels Fast -Eating no solid food for 21 days-Waiting upon the Lords Direction
4. Daniels Fast-Eating only vegetable-for self physical healing and health
5. Supernatural Fast-40 days no food with divine guidance and with God's supernatural presence.

Usually, fasting is a declaration of the one who fast except for the 40 days, where it suggest that there should be a divine leading to do it. (Moses, Jesus).

Other kind of fasting that early christian does are;

1. Sleep Fast
2. Marriage fast
3. Water fast

In our generation other adds,like TV fast, Phone and book fast. But whats importance in any fasting is that we were able to connect with God and received the acceptance, deliverance, transformation, revelation and other supernatural, spiritual intent of the fasting.

Again, we should do fasting according to our faith, conviction and purpose. God will honor our fasting only if its purpose is according to His will!

God bless and enjoy your prayer and fasting!
Till next time where I will be sharing the benefits of prayer will fasting!

Bong G

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