Thursday, December 4, 2008

Today's Devotion- Devoted to what is good

Titus 3:88 This is a trustworthy saying. And I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone. NIV

The scarcity of a man whose heart is devoted to what is good can be equalled with the animal species which are endangered today. This is due to the fact that many who seem to be apprehending what do the Lord require is now settling to what is good to them. In this verse we can see that the Holy Spirit is teaching us the vision that God what man to apprehend and to hold tightly "devoted to what is good". In old testament it was recorded in Mic 6:8 He has showed you, O man, what is good.And what does the Lord require of you?To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. NIV . May we who are in the service of the Lord really show that we are devoted to this, not because we are holding to our own interest but of the Lords'. If we would only consider all things as of the Lord,the fightings, back bitings and division would have been diminished if not erradicated. We might be living in a better world than what we have today. Sometimes, we are no different from the people of the world who does only good to those who does them good. Jesus said that unless we do exceed the goodness of the pharisee, we will not enter His kingdom. (Matt 5:20). Friends, what motivates you to do what you are doing? If its not what the Lord require, then you are heading to useless endeavor. Some, do good to keep their control, position and benefits. But may the Lord found true servant in you, that though you might lost everything that you have and have worked for, you still keep doing what is good!

Devotion to God can greatly expressed by being devoted to what is good, good in His standard and rating.

May you found yourself doing these, as He said, this is excellent and profitable to everyone! ..And this is what the Lord require of us!

Let us begin to populate our church, our community and our society with those who are devoted in doing what is good! Let us multiply the likeness of Jesus in this generation. Let us replenish the earth with the kind of people God wants! Starting with us!

This does not mean that we will feed all the hungry people that we know or give everything we have to the person we meet across the street, but its the giving of our right, our privilege to be rewarded, opportunity to have more, in order to advance the Kingdom of God and for our King, who is our Lord Jesus to be honored by many through us! Lets look for that opportunity to do good for Him even at the cost of our everything!

God bless and be devoted to what is good!!!

Till the next time!


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