1 Cor 6:19-2019 Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. NIV
A born again person in Christ should realized this truth that we are not on our own but of the Lord! The proof to this is the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit as the seal of His ownership. This gives us the transfer of ownership from us to the Lord!
This Spirit presence confirms that Jesus is our Lord. Therefore, we dont have no more right to this body anymore but owned by the Lord, that's why we should always seek Him first (Matt 6:33), obey Him in everything all the time and trust Him all the way!
The Spirit is always speaking to us through many ways , but lets not forget that every message He gives must be founded by His word! If we make Him Lord and Savior, we should allow Him His dwelling place, which is our very life and body! Let's honor Him and follow His leading which is the mark of His ownership. He holds the key now in our life, let Him use it the way He wants it and bring it as He is pleased!
I am a temple of the Spirit, no one else is! In Him we lived and moved and have our being!
God blessed!
Till next time!
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