Friday, November 28, 2008

Today's Devotion- A time to fast

Jer 36:9. . .a time of fasting before the Lord was proclaimed for all the people. . .NIV

Dan 9:3So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes. NIV

The bible has recorded many fasting moments that can give us idea to proclaim a time of fasting. Again, every zealous christian fast on a regular basis as part of their expression of faithful obedience to the lord. I remember the days when , I was seeking God and asking Him; how can I finished well in this faith walk and scape the snares of the devil who has done havoc in the church specially in the lives of those who serve Him. His answer to me was "Set a day of Fasting". So since the year 1997 when I learn to fast I keep it part of my life and ministry. I personally do a day a week fas,t or 3 days monthly fast and an annual fast with leaders who wants to join. Allowing others to join me started in Laoag Ilocos Norte, when they take notice of the day of fasting. Up to this days our pastors and leaders their are doing it even without us. Till this day, in this place and time we fast for His glory and for our good!!! When do we need to fast then; Here are some of reasons;

1. If you want to submit your will to God. submit to fast
2. If you want to keep overcoming the temptation of the enemy.
3. If you want to hear His voice in a clearer way as to understand His word as He mean it.
4. If you want to minister with signs and wonders
5. If you want to be guided by Him in making decisions,specially on major ones.
6. If you believed you are called to served Him in the ministry, specially in full time.
7. If you just simply want to be closer to Him until He return.
8. If you really want to be dead in your self and let Christ live in you.
9. If you notice that old habit, old carnal behavior is showing up again, time to fast
10. If you want to avoid spiritual emptiness and dryness, fast

Well my friends, fasting is the greatest act to show our commitment and willingness to follow Jesus. Without fasting other things He would require will become difficult. While if we have a life with fasting and prayer, everything willbe in His hand!

God bless and enjoy the privilege to fast! The time has come, lets set the time to fast!

Till next time!!!


Thursday, November 27, 2008

Today's Devotion-Benefits of Fasting

Matt 9:15. . . The time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; then they will fast. NIV

As mentioned the other day, that fasting is innate to the christian practice, it's not for no reason though. Every fast-er knows that there are many benefits in fasting. To name some;

1. Physical benefits of fasting (with water)
a.) Its cleanses the lungs, providing a baby kind of breath to the fast-er.
b.) It dissolves body toxins- cleansing the skin, kidney and the whole body system. (specially in 3 days fast).-Resulting to a baby kind of skin.
c.) Loose of weight for the over weight and gain weight for under weight, (depending on how you break the fast).

2. Spiritual Benefit of Fasting;
a.) Spiritual conciousness on the higher level than the physical.
b.) Bring heart in a genuine repentance
c.) Becoming more sensitive to the presence of God.(can hear God more clearly)
d.) Fruit and gifts of the Spirit becomes more visible and manifesting than normal.
e.) Advancing spiritual maturity. (3 days is equivalent to 3 years advancement)

Well, other person, will say other and more results and benefits as they fast.
The things shared here are more on my personal experience and with reference to an old book titled "Fast and Accelerate". just forgot the writer.

Any way, we, fast not because of its benefits as the primary reason, we fast, because its part of the command of Jesus to be done by His followers!

So, benefits are just an added encouragement to do so!!!

God bless and enjoy your regular fast and its benefits!!!

Till next time!

Bong G

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Today's Devotion-Biblical Fast

Joel 2:12'Even now,' declares the Lord,'return to me with all your heart,with fasting and weeping and mourning.' NIV

Fasting is abstence from food to spend quality time in prayer to the Lord. Many biblical characters practiced Fasting while in prayer. The Lord Jesus did it so are His disciples. What are the different kind of biblical fast and its benefits? Basically fasting length depends on the purpose of the fasting;

1. One meal to one day Fast just a preparation
2. Three days Fast - surrender of will and dying to self
3. Daniels Fast -Eating no solid food for 21 days-Waiting upon the Lords Direction
4. Daniels Fast-Eating only vegetable-for self physical healing and health
5. Supernatural Fast-40 days no food with divine guidance and with God's supernatural presence.

Usually, fasting is a declaration of the one who fast except for the 40 days, where it suggest that there should be a divine leading to do it. (Moses, Jesus).

Other kind of fasting that early christian does are;

1. Sleep Fast
2. Marriage fast
3. Water fast

In our generation other adds,like TV fast, Phone and book fast. But whats importance in any fasting is that we were able to connect with God and received the acceptance, deliverance, transformation, revelation and other supernatural, spiritual intent of the fasting.

Again, we should do fasting according to our faith, conviction and purpose. God will honor our fasting only if its purpose is according to His will!

God bless and enjoy your prayer and fasting!
Till next time where I will be sharing the benefits of prayer will fasting!

Bong G

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Today's Devotion-Pray and Fast

Isa 58:6Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen:to loose the chains of injusticeand untie the cords of the yoke,to set the oppressed freeand break every yoke?NIV

Prayer and fasting is a normal practice of every zealous follower of God particularly those of Jesus Christ! It's part of their routine to keep their life in line with God's spirit moving and leading. We must then include this practice in our weekly if not daily schedule, so that we can always submit our will to God's will, hear His voice and follow His command. It will also give us more sensitivity to the working of the Holy Spirit and thn be used by Him to minister to others with love and power. During the early Christian era, Christian fast on Thursday to be distinct from the Jew who fast on friday in preparation for the sabbath. Today, we can fast on the best day of the week we can, but the gain of fasting is not by skipping the meal, but by what the word of God says, some of them are;

1. To loose th chain-deliverance and healing
2.To hear from God-meditation
3.To ask forgiveness-repentance

There are different kind of biblical fast. I will share that tommorrow!

God bless and till next time!


Friday, November 21, 2008

Today's Devotion- Sin Against The Holy Spirit

Matt 12:31-3231 And so I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. 32 Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come. NIV

Its interesting to note that the Lord Jesus gave this statement about the unforgiven offense to the Holy spirit. I think this is what exactly what it means. There are many offense that we can commit against the Holy Spirit, but blasphemy to Him is the greatest, actually the unforgivable sin.

So, let us make all effort not to commit this sin against Him. What are the sin we can commit against the Holy Spirit? Some I could list are:

1. Grieving the Holy sirit
2. Quenching the Holy spirit
3. Suppressing the Holy Spirit
4. Resisting the Holy Spirit

But how can we commit blasphemy? In the context of the statement of Jesus, it seems that blasphemy can commit when we identify the Holy Spirit as a wicked spirit. The works of God as the works of satan. Or simply by judging the operation of the Holy spirit as of the devil. How can we know then that its of the Holy Spirit? Well, first it must be honoring Jesus Christ, it must be according to the word of God, the work must be done to lead man to honor God and not the vessel He used. And lastly, it must bring the peace, repentance, healing, deliverance,joy and salvaton as well as transformation to a person. So. lets allow the Holy Spirit to work through us or even to others. And if we are in doubt, beware that we judge it before we are sure of it, for we might find ourselves fighting against God the Spirit!

God bless and may the Holy Spirit manifest in us!!!

Till next time!

Bong G

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Today's Devotion-Children of God by the Spirit

Rom 8:155 For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father."NIV

God revealed Himself as a Father not because He needs more children, but rather it is us; humanity that needs a Father. The word of God implies that there is only one begotten Son of God; Christ Jesus, who became man so that man can become the sons of God! In this truth, let us come in humility to Him as he open His arm to all of us, not to make us slaves or to forced us to do some laws to our dismay. But as children to whom the Father is giving all that He has even the privilege to have an eternal fellowship with Him as we follow His precepts!
The Holy Spirit testifies that we are the children of God as He dwells in us. Teaching and guiding us to please our Father, who did and does everything for our good! We have an open access to our Heavenly Fathers throne because of the redemptive work of Christ on the cross. No matter what we have done and will do, His grace is always sufficient for all of us. We can always call and approached Him calling Him "Abba" which means Father in our present language. It's gives us the assurance of acceptance, provision and protection.
For our ever present God is a Father heart God! Lets always come to His loving arm and enjoy rest in His loving presence. He have accepted us by His Son and sealed that acceptance by giving us the Holy Spirit making us children of God in whom we would share all the blessings of Chrsit the begotten Son of God! Some might say you're not a child anymore because of your sin, but it's not true for no matter what you have done His Father heart will not reject you! It won't change anything, but a true child always come humbly to the Father to find refuge, forgiveness and even acceptance avery time we fall! No one can separate us from the love of God in Christ! Rom 8:35-39. That's why His Spirit dwells in us!

Enjoy your day and rest assured your Father in Heaven watches over you!!!

Till next time!

Bong G.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Today's Devotion-Born of the Spirit

John 3:5-7 Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. 6 Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. NIV

One of the great mystery of Christian faith is the born again experience. Misunderstood by many as a new religion, but the truth is, it is an experience, a birth of a new person to anyone who receives Christ as their Lord and Savior. (John 1:12). All men were born sinners and are all spiritually dead. No matter how we try to understand and seek God,without the born again experience we are searching infutility, but as His Holy Spirit gives birth to a new spirit in us, born of God not of the flesh but of the Spirit, we will again restore our lost communion and fellowship with Him. Its the start of seeing God's Kingdom exist, then we shall enter His Kingdom, His presence as we allow the maturity in spirit in us with the goal of the likeness of Christ.or in the day we go to Him by either death or rapture we shall be welcome to come in to His Kingdom. That's why, a born again Christian is a person who receives Christ as Lord and Savior, confessing his/her sin and living according to His word, guided by His spirit and enjoys the fellowship of the beloved!

As recipient of this grace, let us lived as really Kingdom citizen on tour to this temporary world, where we are in training to live for eternity as born of His Spirit! Let's lived according to His standard and according to His word not forgetting it's all by grace we are saved and not by our good works. Though good works are a life style of those who are born in Spirit as the fruit and gifts of the Spirit come to fruition in us!!!

God bless and enjoy being "Born of the Spirit"!

Till then!

Bong G.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Today's Devotion-Winning the Warfare

Eph 6:10
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. NIV

"Life in not a picnic but a warfare" quoted by a preacher. At first its seems exagerated until to observed it wisely. You will then, agree! That's why we should always be prepared at all times for any attack that desires to destroy our peace in Christ as a valiant soldier does. We are not fighting only for our own safety but also for those who are around us. The good thing is this; the battle is of the Lord!!! We just need to be strong in Him! Emphasis is in the Lord. Not in us. We might feel the pressure, see the battle but its all of the Lord! We are just the instrument of the warfare, the vessel of God's victory and of Christ glory! It is the Spirit at work that the enemy is trying to defeat in us. If we give in to his schemes by depending through our own ways, wisdom and strength, we loosed, but if we hold on to our faith, stand on the word of God and allow the Holy Spirit to take charge, we will enjoy His promised "NO weapon against us will prosper for the battle is the Lord" (Isa 54:17). So, don't fear to go to your warfare, the Lord by His Spirit will stand by you, for you and with you!!!

Be strong in the Lord always by meditating His word. Calling upon His name. Standing by His promises and looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith!
Ps 27:1
27 The Lord is my light and my salvation — whom shall I fear?The Lord is the stronghold of my life — of whom shall I be afraid? NIV

Till then, mighty man and woman of God!


Monday, November 17, 2008

Today"s Devotion-Comfort in the midst of suffering

John 14:16-17 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.KJV

In this life no matter what we try we will still come across the road of sorrow, pain, frustration and other uncomfortable situation in life. Either we do it to others or others will bring it to us or through us. In any way we will find ourselves dealing with it as it is part of this earthly life that we have. Though declaring the Lord Jesus as our Lord and Savior does not exempt us from any of this, but He has make a very definite difference to those who believed in Him; By sending the Comforter to us who will abide with us all the days of our lives. Making all suffering and pain an experience to glorify God. For no sorrow can displaced the joy and the peace that this Comforter brings! Lets just abide in Him for only in Him we are sure to face each day with the comforting presence of His Holy Spirit!

No servant of God is exempted in any sorrow, pain or suffering, but we can enjoy His comfort in the midst of it. As we all know, He is the peace that guards our heart, an ever present help in times of need! Thank Him not for the sufferings but for the peace and comfort in the midst of this suffering!

In winter we put on our warmer and just wait for the summer to come.
All winter ends with spring, all nights ends in daylights, all storms ends in calmness, therefore all sorrow will end in joy!!!

God bless and till next time!


Friday, November 14, 2008

Today's Devotion-Temple of the Spirit

1 Cor 6:19-2019 Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. NIV

A born again person in Christ should realized this truth that we are not on our own but of the Lord! The proof to this is the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit as the seal of His ownership. This gives us the transfer of ownership from us to the Lord!

This Spirit presence confirms that Jesus is our Lord. Therefore, we dont have no more right to this body anymore but owned by the Lord, that's why we should always seek Him first (Matt 6:33), obey Him in everything all the time and trust Him all the way!

The Spirit is always speaking to us through many ways , but lets not forget that every message He gives must be founded by His word! If we make Him Lord and Savior, we should allow Him His dwelling place, which is our very life and body! Let's honor Him and follow His leading which is the mark of His ownership. He holds the key now in our life, let Him use it the way He wants it and bring it as He is pleased!

I am a temple of the Spirit, no one else is! In Him we lived and moved and have our being!

God blessed!

Till next time!


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Today's Devotion-Spiritually Empty

Luke 24:49 And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.KJV

Sometimes we fail to do what is pleasing to the Lord not because we can't but because we won't. Th reason is our flesh becomes on the throne of our life again rather than the Spirit. In Matt 26:40 Jesus said to His disciples the "The spirit is will but the flesh is weak". We should therefore, avoid to be spiritually drained which is caused by our failure to come daily to the source of our life. We cannot avoid spiritual destruction if we are spiritually drain. May I suggest to you fellow christian to keep your fire burning, your tank filled with new wine, your passion rule your heart and His Lordship always at the throne of your heart. Satan is waiting to see you drain by many things where you are exhausting your strength, then he will come to bring all temptation hard to resist, not because they were strong, but simply because you are weak. Therefore, always spend time daily and tarry (wait) for the Lord to fill you up, specially when you know you need it! Many who keep their faith even in times of storms and testings are those who are ready to meet them at the level of their spirit and not in the flesh. What's the sign and what I do when i know i'm spiritually drain?

1. I watch how I respond to my wife and children. When I see its of the flesh then i must vow and ask forgiveness then asked, that He fill me up with His Spirit.

2. When joy is just a word and not alive in me. I call the Holy Spirit and say "Fill me up" oh Lord.

3. When sin seems so strong,I run to Him and say "Fill me up oh Lord or I will fall".

4. When His word is covered by worries of this world, I pray "Lord just fill me up, your servant is waiting"!

God bless and may you always find time to wait upon the LOrd and be filled up by His Spirit and live this life by His power and Spirit!!!

Till next time!


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Today's Devotion-His Presence

Ex 33:14-20
14 The Lord replied, "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest."
15 Then Moses said to him, "If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. 16 How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?"
." NIV

The most significant thing in the life of those who believed in Christ is what they have recieved in Him, that this world could never give. It cannot be bought, acquire or even found in any other place but only in Christ!

The presence of God by His Spirit was only made possible by the grasce of God by the redeeming work of Christ on the cross and His ressurrection from death. Today every one who have place their faith in Him knows the difference in their life which is His presence!

That's why Moses imphasized that That His presence must go with them any where for His presence makes the difference from other nation.

May we always cherished His presence to us, which is the seal of His grace to us. His presence makes the difference because;

1. He only give His presence to those who believed- Eph 1:13
2. He gives His peace by His Spirit-John 14:27
3. He works wonders bi His Spirit, that makes the life of a believer full of wonders. Zech 4:6
4. We are bonded together in the fellowship of the beloved by His Spirit. Rom 8: 14-16
5. We will know Christ more by His Spirit.-1 Cor 2:12-14
6. He will convict us of sin and lead us to righteousness which will be the fountain for a blessed living.-John 16:
7. He will be with us until the coming of our Lord and Savior, making us lived in the presence of God until that last day.

We are never alone and never forsaken in Christ because of His Spirit. Therefore the call to holiness and peace is a life lived by every one who believes in Him for His Spirit bring this and more of Him in us!!!

More of Him in you!!!

Till then,


Just for my Friends-A stay in Montreal

Last November 7, 2008, I drove to Montreal from Ottawa, after a time of leasure witn my friend Tino to whom I loved to play pool. It was a day where I spent alone with God along the way. About 2 hours travel where a poured out my heart to the Lord, thanking Him for the blessings, asking Him wisdom for the testings and challenges and asking Him grace for my short comings.

I reached Montreal just in time to pick up my wife and Eli in the Airport. Wow. what a favor to be with my wife and youngest son. (Iwished I have them all). But due to many reason just my youngest son. We had a ministered to JIL Quebec people thtat night. Then, Saturday afternoon to evening we had our Leaders Summit. Come Sunday, we both preached in our two church location in Montreal and NDG. After the service we had our Strategic Planning for 2009. It was unfinished though due to time restraint. Any way it was so meaningful as our Team in Quebec, see where they are right now and some how, sense where we are going and visited the point we started it all this year.

Every moment there with JIL people was a celebration, their show of caress, love and thoughtfulness just fired up our lives and inspire us to keep on serving. I have seen the goodness of God through them. Applaud their maturity and improvement, encourage by their faith and impressed by their submission.

Well than JIL Quebec! Expect God to do marvelous things in you, through you and with you!

Till we meet again!!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Today's Devotion-Anointed by the Spirit

Luke 4:18-19
18 "The Spirit of the Lord is on me,because he has anointed meto preach good news to the poor.He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisonersand recovery of sight for the blind,to release the oppressed, 19 to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor

The Lord Jesus Christ proclaim the Kingdom of God and minister during His earthly ministry under the anointing and power f the Holy Spirit. Because Jesus was in His human form, he cannot do any miracle without the empowerment from God the Holy Spirit. And He, declared that the same Spirit will be received by everyone who believes in Him as we tarry and wait for His coming in our lives. (Acts 1:8).

Why the Holy Spirit anointed Jesus and every beleiver?

1. To preach the gospel- Its God plan that every person be given a valid opportunity to know the salvation Jesus provided on the cross. Unless the Holy Spirit is at work with the one who shares the gospel it will not make any conviction to the hearers. That's why we need to ask for the Holy Spirit presence all the time!

2.To heal the broken hearted-One of the given thing in this life is this truth that all man is wounded in their soul!It's the result of our relationship with our fellow man, most started at our childhood and goes on as long as we live. It affects our lives and personality, its the root of all our impatience and bitterness. It cause us even to lost our own identity and self recognition. But Thank God that He does not want us to be on that situation always. He sent the Holy Spirit so that to His word being ministered to us, it can go deep into our being and unveil those hidden pains and bring them to the feet of Jesus. The Holy Spirit will give us strength to forgive and let go of all those wounds and pain in our hearts. Which will be replace by Gods peace and a new heart full of God's goodness in us. By this we will be able to start a new day to every person we meet and will be living with as a new person in Christ!

3. To proclaim deliverance tp the captives-There are people who were just in bondage of something. For those who wants to be free,the Holy Spirit is here to make it a reality in you! No matter how enslavement you have Jesus can set you free by the power of His Spirit at work in His church today! So why remain in bondage if there is a way out of it! The Holy Spirit is here Come and received your freedom!!!

4. To give sight to the blind-Literally and spiritually implied, that many who lost their sight can find light in Christ! Many who are decieved for lack of the true knowledge of God can only be enlightened by the Holy Spirit. Only by Him we can, know who Christ really is. And only by Him we can walk the right path. For only in Him Christ is revealed! Through Him then, light will shine upon us!

5. To set at liberty them that are oppressed-Oppression is common today inspite of innovation and technological advancement in our society. Because many has failed and will keep on failing.Its the spirit that is the twin of being so self centered and ambitious, that leads us to frustration if our dream does not materialized. Many hide in the dark,some just give up and lived in frustration.While if only we will allow the Holy Spirit to take over our lives through Christ we, can find new hope and strength to start a again with His help and wisdom we will see that God is so good that He will not deprived us of the very best thing he can provide in this life. Though He won't give way to what we want, but He will make sure we will have better that what we are apprehending for! The Holy Spirit is here to redirect our path and give us joy forever more!

6. To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord-The Holy Spirit moves in our lives so that we can bring the right message at the right time to the right recipient. He makes all things beautiful in His time he said!! This work of the Holy Spirit is never missed a single person in every generation since the day of pentecost!

My fellow believers let us not missed the anointing of the Holy Spirit which is freely and abundantly given to us because of Christ our Lord! The curch must always be flowing in this anointing so that Jesus will be exalted and people will be saved,healed, delivered and empowered by the word of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit!!!

Anoint us oh Lord! Anoint us today!!!


Friday, November 7, 2008

Today's Devotion-The Holy Spirit and the Bible

1 Cor 2:10-14
The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. 11 For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man's spirit within him? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. 12 We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us. 13 This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words. NIV

Many who come across the bible and will reach it diligently will find themselves in a situation of impossibilities, for no matter what level of Inlteegent Quotient they have (IQ) they woun't be able to come even to close to what it means. For the Word of God is not reachable by mans mind unless the Spirit of God dwells in them or rather guide them to it's understanding.

That's why every one who seek God must seek Him with all their hearts by humbly asking the Holy Spirit to give them enlightenment. As we can see today, there are many who seems to be wise and tries to convince people of their understanding in which they have lead many astray. For the understanding of the word of God is only possible by His Spirit. That's why it can be understood even by the most uneducated, the young and the simple man, whom the Holy Spirit is teaching and leading to His word.

Every day then, as we read and meditate His word take a pose and ask the guidance of the Holy Spirit to understand His word. Then and only then the word of God will become alive and transforming in our lives. The Holy Spirit is generous to those who will humbly ask for His guidance.

As the word become clear to us, we will be able to apply its purpose and bring full fruits of its rewards!

Keep on meditating for this is His commanad.(Jos 1:8-9), but don't neglect to desire His leading to guide you to the words true and meaningful wisdom for our good!

God bless and may you keep on knowing Him through His word and by His Spirit!

till then,


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Today"s Devotion-Fruit of the Spirit

Gal 5:22-24
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. NIV

Everytime we see a tree we always want to know what kind it is by trying to find its fruit. In the same way people will know who our Lord is by trying to find the fruit they could see in us. The fruit in this verse obviously is talking about characters and attitudes we manifest. If its one of those listed in it, it is of the spirit. Though there could be some counterfeit or fake but it will not take long until you will recognized it. For the the fruit of the Spirit is not a one day show but a lifetime walk of a christian. That's why St. Paul said in 1 Cor 11:1 "Follow me as I follow Christ". As Jesus follower, people will be looking at us to see if Jesus is bearing His fruit in us, which is the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

I remember one time that one of my sons, told me that "Dad I notice that you are showing more kindness to other people than to us your children?" In this I was caught speechless, for the fruit that they see is not of Christ but my own nature. That's why I immediately asked for forgiveness and begin to allow the Holy Spirit bring His fruit in me so that people and my chidren will see the same fruit that will bring life to them.

No matter how we try on our own, we will always fall short of good character of our own. But when we allow the Fruit of The Spirit , it will last till the end and will have enough supply for every one to enjoy and for God to be Glorified!!!

Be blessed and be a blessing fruit bearer of the Holy Spiri!

till tomorrow,


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Todays Devotion-Come Holy Spirit

John 14:26-27 But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. 27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. NIV

The coming of the Holy Spirit did not end in the day of Pentecost, it actually started from there so that the church will be able to live in the likeness of Christ who is the manifestation of the God head!

Every beleiver must desire the presence of Him in their lives wherever they go. For He will be teaching us the things of God and the best for man. He will fill us with peace even in the midst of trouble! He will give us wisdom and strength in the midst of testings and trial. He will saved us deceptions and will lead us back to Christ everytime we got lost and fall down. He will convict us of sin and of our righteousness in Christ all the time!

My friends, dont take your day with out inviting the Holy Spirit in your life, family and even activities of the day. A simple invitation "Come Holy Spirit" will change everything in you!!!

God bless and come Holy Spirit come and dwell amongs us!!!


Just for my friends-Travel with Musikatha Team

Since the day God granted our prayers, we never ceased in vowing our hearts and knees to our Lord to make the coming in Ontario of Musikatha Team to be a blessing both to us and to them.
Well, I believed its done! We were all blessed by everything they did here, the seminars, worship and even just a simple chats and fellowship. Sis Edith who leads them influenced our churhes in the anointing of worship breakthroughs! The team members shared with us techniques, laughers and fun.

I definitely appreciate the generous giving of our congregation in all the gatherings. Where they have waited until it would start. Wow! JIL A3 and A6 makes me soooooo proud to be their pastor!

To the leaders who give their best and avail their time and resources, showed the kind of respect and excitement we have for this team who came to bless us.

Though their time is probably the shortest in their itenirary but its has everything needed to make it one of the greatest event happened in our area.

At this writing, I'm with them here in Ottawa to give our people here an opportunity to be blessed by them and for them to bless them too!

Its always inspiring to be with your brethren who shows passion fo God and love for fellowman shown in their Christlike characters and simplicity that's makes you comfortable to be with them!

Tommorrow early morning they will be flying to Manitoba and blessed our people their too.
I beleived that our churches will have a significant change as a result of this Worship Breakthroughs they brought to us. I will be flowing to this level now. A worship warrior spirit that exalts Jesus and expels satan in my life, in the ministry and in my surroundings!

God bless Musikatha!!!

See you JIL montreal ths week end!!!


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Todays Devotion-Speaking in Tongues

1 Cor 14:1-5Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy. 2 For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God. Indeed, no one understands him; he utters mysteries with his spirit. 3 But everyone who prophesies speaks to men for their strengthening, encouragement and comfort. 4 He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church. 5 I would like every one of you to speak in tongues, but I would rather have you prophesy. He who prophesies is greater than one who speaks in tongues, unless he interprets, so that the church may be edified. NIV

One of the manifestation of the presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of a person is speaking in unknown tongue.The day of Pentecost was the day of the release of the Holy Spirit to the church with all its gifts and power. It was then that the church begin to understand the Three person of the Godhead..What shall it benefit the one who speaks in tongues? Before anything else let it be known that speaking in tongues is not the choosing of man but of God. It cannot be recieved by anyone unless God gives the utterance, for it is God's gift to the church!

1. He who speaks in tongues, speaks with God. Therefore, no man understand Him.
2. He who speaks in tongues, edify himself. Therefore he becomes a foreiner to others unless someone interprets.
3. He who speaks in tongues signifies, He 's of the Lord. For only the believer can recieved the gift of tongues.
4. He who speak in tongues, impowers himself with the power of God. Therfore, he fears no one but God!!!

Saint Paul said that he desires everyone to speak in tongues, but its better to speak known tongues when you wnat to convey a message to some one. But to God, speak as He gives you utterance!!!

God bless aqnd ask the Lord to give you the gift of tongues, and enjoy the benifit of it!!!


Monday, November 3, 2008

Todays Devotion-Me and the Spirit

John 16:13-15But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. 14 He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. 15 All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you. NIV

Well, the moment we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, the precious Holy Spirit begins to work in us. With out Him no one can be converted and be transformed. He is the third person in the Godhead. Yet like the Son of God He has a heart to serve and do things for the good of others. He is the very character of Christ (Gal 5:22-24) as well as His power to do what He did. (Lk 4:18-18).

If Jesus was so dependent on the Holy Spirit every believers of Christ must be the same..But how can we enjoy His Spirit in our lives?

Some of the things we learn in the Scripture regarding this matters are;

1. Every believer must keep a constant walk with the Spirit. (Gal 5:25)
2. We must pray in the Holy Spirit. (Jude 20)
3. We should be filled by the Spirit. (Acts 1:8)
4.We should listen and be guided by the Holy spirit. (1Thes 5:19)

There are so many exciting things we can both experience and learn about the precious Holy Spirit. We should not deny ourselves of having a life with Him in us always!

For in Him we lived and moved and have our being!!!

Till tommorrow if the Lord will tarry,
